
Task 4: Reciclyng Work Final Part

  Finally, after creating the trash can we made a web page with this link: https://sites.google.com/view/ reciclyngbynavalcarnero   In which, you could go and see the gifts you could have depending on the points. It is made up of three sections, information, help and points, information talks about  what you can do and through the help button you can contact the Navalcarnero town hall in case  you have any questions.  

Task 4: Reciclying Work Part 2

Part 2 of the work on recycling tells what everything worked in class consists of,  the idea was to make a trash can that every time you put the garbage in the correct container,  you pressed a button, and it took out a QR and below the points earned. With those points you could win prizes and thus people would recycle more

Task 4: Recycling Work Part 1

  The work on recycling consists of 3 parts:  The first is the heading where we talk about the ideas we have had, the problems that there are or were about recycling and the solutions that we could obtain.  

Task 3: Transport And Comunications

  For task 3, I asked a friend of my parents who was a bus driver and he said that to improve transportation they could improve the buses and add more lanes to circulate better.

Task 2: Safety In Streets And Buildings

 The second task talks about how to improve safety in streets and buildings:  Good: the security of the buildings is good because in most of them there are cameras, an elevator, stairs in good condition... Bad: they should fix the roofs, because when it rains a lot there are leaks or there is a risk of falling. In this link you can also see more security measures in streets, buildings and daily life https://ajuntament.barcelona.cat/guardiaurbana/es/consejos-de-seguridad-y-prevencion  Foto: Ayuntamiento Puertollano.

Task 1: Safe, accesible and inclusive green areas

 The first task is: Not throwing garbage outside would be an example of caring for green areas,respecting protected areas, planting more trees to be surrounded by nature. https://limpiezasil.com/como-cuidar-las-areas-verdes/